The Picture Map of the Holy Land - Vintage pictorial map of the Middle-East
by Moira Risen Prints
The Picture Map of the Holy Land - Vintage pictorial map of the Middle-East
Moira Risen Prints
Mixed Media - Lithography
The Picture Map of the Holy Land - Vintage pictorial map of the Middle-East by Harold Haven Brown, published by R.R. Bowker Company of New York in 1928.
A beautiful, intricately detailed, colorful pictorial map highlighting the historic regions and towns of the Holy Land, framed by a decorative border. The map shows historical boundaries, names, roads, places and events of the Bible - Israel's route to promised Land in Egypt to the River Jordan, routes used by all who traveled between Egypt and Palestine, ancient caravan route, Cairo to Mecca. Includes key locations from the biblical narrative, views of sailing ships on The Great Sea (Mediterranean).
More pictorial maps from around the world available in the collection.
August 2nd, 2024