Simpatia - La Rabia del Gato - Sympathy - The Madness of the Cat by Remedios Varo

by Remedios Varo
Simpatia - La Rabia del Gato - Sympathy - The Madness of the Cat by Remedios Varo
Remedios Varo
Painting - Oil On Masonite
Simpatía - La rabia del gato - Sympathy - The Madness of the Cat - surrealist painting by Spanish-Mexican artist Remedios Varo.
A tender and caring, yet intense exchange between human and cat, generating threads of electricity made visible to reveal a web of interconnectedness.
Varo's comment on her work: “This lady’s cat jumps onto the table producing the sort of disorder that one must learn to tolerate if one likes cats (as I do). Upon caressing it, so many sparks fly that they form a very complicated electrical contraption. Some sparks and electricity go to her head and are quickly used to create a permanent wave.”
More Remedios Varo paintings available in the collection.
November 9th, 2022