White Sails in the Sunset by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Weather Station in Alaska by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Alaskan Inlet by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Amidst the Glaciers - Alaskan landscape by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Cowboys of the World - Northwest by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Bringing Home the Christmas Tree - Snowy winter farm scene by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Summer farm with windmill and barns by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
The End of the Hunt by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Spring snow - Farm scene with barns and windmill by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Footsteps - Winter farm scene of the American Midwest by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Platte Valley Summer - Landscape with red barn and windmill on the wheat field by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols
Winter on the farm by Dale Nichols
Dale William Nichols